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Day: June 16, 2022

The Lollipop Moment and First Followers

The Lollipop Moment and First Followers

Watch Drew Dudley’s Ted Talk and then write a blogpost in response to it.  Here are some questions to guide your thinking and writing:

  • Have you ever experienced a Lollipop moment?  Describe it!
  • If you’ve never thanked the person responsible for your Lollipop moment, describe the event and then write a thank you letter/blogpost.  Send it to that person.
  • Write a blogpost about leadership.  Do you agree with how Drew Dudley sees leadership?  Explain your ideas in a blogpost.
  • What are the qualities of a true leader?


The following video has more to say about leadership and how important the first follower of a leader is.  Watch it, think about it, comment on it or write a blogpost about the power of followers.  Some questions to guide your writing might include:

  • Are you following a leader who is doing great things?
  • Are you creating a positive movement by being a follower?
  • Are you the first dancing guy? Do you know someone like him?
  • Now that you know how powerful a first follower can be, will you think more carefully about who you follow and why you are following them?

Discuss in a comment on this blog or in a blogpost of your own.

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